Today as I write this we are in week 4 of lockdown in 2021, it has just been announced that we will go into a further 4 weeks minimum of lockdown. I’ve cleaned every room out, cleaned all of the cracks, hung new photos, decluttered and gave away all my old and unwanted clothes, sheets, towels and shoes.. The initial feeling was to just clean EVERYTHING!!! haha I was already up to date on all of my editing because I had such a huge few weeks ahead of me so I couldnt even burry myself in my work..
Initially we were in lockdown for 2 weeks, I could do this I thought. Babies abit older is a little different however just as beautiful. 2 weeks fastly increased to 4 weeks, which has now doubled to 8 weeks.. Mannnn.. So right now, potentially we are only half way. My babes are soo big now!!!! I missed out on those first moments of cuddles, these are by far my favourite times…
We are absolutely still able to capture these new moments, but we are going to be busier then ever as our work now just back logs. As most newborn photographers out there would feel, it is such a sad time. We capture the early moments of a newborns life, within the first 7-10 days we capture the emotion, the newest of cuddles, the newest of kisses. Everything feels so surreal, sleep has gone but emotions are soaring with our new Mumas. It is by far the most beautiful.
This time for me is not only about capturing memories for new parents but also listening to all the beautiful moments that have already happened within those first few days of coming home. I LOVEEE listening, I love how they watch your every move. It just shows how in love they are feeling right now. I MISS THIS SOO MUCH…
I cannot wait to be back with my families again, fingers crossed to everyone in the same position as me. I hope your head and heart feel balanced and you are doing okay. OXX We will all be okay.